Can You Hear Him?


Renée talks revelation and hearing from the Lord. The answers you are seeking are in your rest, your worship, and in communing with God.

Music by Aaron Harris & Genesis.


Mid-Week Inspiration: Worship Break!

Fred Hammond

You made it halfway through the work week! Now take a moment to step away from the chaos, stretch and worship your Savior who makes all the time in the world for you. Here are a few songs that have motivated me this week. Press play, take a deep breath and let the Holy Spirit minister to you.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. -John 14:26

This past week I had the opportunity to completely unplug and commune with other like-minded women. We breathed, woke up at the crack of dawn for yoga, worshipped, cried, laughed, and cried some more. God revealed to me that there is nothing wrong with being still. It’s in the moments where I am quiet that His voice is clearer than ever.

Have an amazing rest of your week!