Mid-Week Inspiration: You Are Ok Where You Are

First of all, I did my first Live video on YouTube. And with going live, things happen in real time okurrr! You’ll understand that disclaimer when you get to the end of the video, but for now let’s get into this topic. You are okay right where you are baby girl, baby boy! Since I’ve moved back home, there have been a lot of changes in my daily routine and it felt like my relationship with God was slacking. But thank you God for speaking to me.

He let me know that relationships change. As a person who likes to move around a lot, I need change, I crave it. So it’s only natural that God would switch up his channels of communication with me. While I don’t find myself watching a bunch of sermons like I normally would, I be getting a good word while listening to a podcast or watching a movie or even listening to an Audible book (Audible, holla at your girl!).

So, this week’s mid-week inspiration is to encourage you to take inventory over your relationships. Just because they don’t look the same as yesterday does not mean they are in a bad place. As people we grow, we change, and our communication does the same. Take some time to self-reflect and you may realize you’re in an even better place than before.

As always, be sure to connect with your girl and click on the link below to watch the full video!


Mid-Week Inspiration: Shedding Self-Doubt

Ya’ll, confidence is a real muscle. If you don’t work it, you can’t flex. One of the best exercises for building your confidence is shedding self-doubt and ya’ll, this is a workout that I have neglected and put off for tomorrow for too long! No more! Today I am choosing to shed insecurities layer by layer and put on self-assurance piece by piece.

The first step for me was writing down what I love about myself. I love my commitment to my family. I love my dedication to my physical health. I love my mole-y face. Then, I started to list my accomplishments. I’ve managed a business, a full time and part time job all at once. I thrived in Los Angeles and made beautiful lifelong friendships. I earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree by age 25.

At one time I would scowl at paying attention to these things. I would have considered it arrogance or tooting my own horn. Well, toot toot! I had to learn the difference between humility and self-doubt. By overlooking my accomplishments I was feeding into the falsities of not being good enough. Girl [insert slap to the face] you are MORE than enough! Don’t let uncertainty mask itself as failure.

I’m currently listening to Kevin Hart’s audible book The Decision. In this powerful body of work, Kev speaks on the subject of affirming oneself. He highlights the importance of only speaking positivity about yourself and others. We should know and address our weaknesses, especially the things that we can’t change, but we should give more focus to our strengths. Since hearing Kev’s philosophies I’ve been much more mindful of what I say about people, things, and myself!

So here I am encouraging you to tell yourself you dabomb.com. Hol’ up, are the kids saying that anymore? Say, “I’m the shinznit and I know it!” No? Still out of date? Okay, okay, just tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to shed the self-doubt and to start feeling like the boss that you are! Can’t nobody check you boo!

Head over to my YouTube channel, A Day with Renée for my full video on shedding self-doubt. It’s time to get in mental shape friends!!!


Catch Up On Name a Better Duo on YouTube

Ya’ll, the first season of my Instagram Live show, Name a Better Duo has officially wrapped and we are gearing up for an exciting season two. In the meantime, in between time, go on over to my YouTube channel, A Day with Renée, and catch up on all that you missed.

On the first 12 episodes, I had the pleasure of speaking with some of my frennns about topics from relationships to church hurt to discovering your purpose. Following that, we had a Generational Wealth series where we talked all things money, money, money, moneyyy!!! I’m telling you, we learned so much from specialists in real estate, stocks, and stacking your dough.

Below you’ll see an eppy with my good frennn Jasmine Primah on generating multiple streams of income. Open up your notes app and share with your friends and family. Let’s get this guap ya’ll!

Tell me in the comments what topics you’d like to hear next on Name a Better Duo!

CONNECT WITH ME ON IG, TWITTER & FB: @reneenicoleiam